Saturday, 6 November 2010

Let's get this party started

Right. After years of boring my husband with my dreary ramblings, I've decided to bore strangers too, so here's my first blog post. Bear with me, things may improve as we get to know each other a little.

Last night I volunteered at my daughters school art show. No really, come back, it was great. A full on Art Exhibition, no tat by six year olds allowed. The place was heaving with artists, the press, and Joe Public who had come with pockets stuffed with cash. We sold loads of work, it was like some kind of art feeding frenzy. I saw heaps of things I loved, 2mtr high copper waterlilies, a teeny tiny gilt painting of a seagull,  a small clay head of Freida Khalo complete with skull 'hat'. All brilliant.

I spent the evening feeling glamerous and giddy with the thrill of chatting with artists and photographers about their work. Someone liked my frock. I scarfed down a couple of delicious glasses of Barristers Block Sauvignon Blanc. Felt like quite the sophisticate until I got home and realised my eye make up had some how gravitated to my nose. Why am I such a klutz?

1 comment:

  1. yay! welcome to the world of blogging Becky! why does make up do that? it pretends it's your friend and then does the dirty on you...
